Tom Bayless and his son Charlie (13 years) from UK were in town and wanted to do a morning fishing trip. Tom wanted to catch a TARPON while Charlie just wanted to fish with dad.
The bite started a little slow, but it didn't take to long before we were jumping some tarpon. There were a lot of fish around but they were being awfully pickie on what they wanted to eat. We had artificial and live bait. Couldn't but a bite on live bait, but finally found the artificial they wanted. Sometimes you just have to have a smorgasbord to offer them, which we did. Anyway, the morning went very well. We actually jumped 6 TARPON landing only 1, but at lease we did get a score on the board. We also landed 3 SNOOK out of 5. These weren't big SNOOK as the big ones usually get away, but they were keeper size. We had 4 other fish on that we didn't get jumps out of so they could of been anything from TARPON-SNOOK to GOLIATH GROUPER cause what we did get was a good rod bend. We also had a SHARK on which was probably a little BULL SHARK.
The guys did very good and did throw their arms off casting, so the last 1/2 hour of the trip they wanted to see a little more of the EVERGLADES NATIONAL PARK. While doing a little boat exploring, we saw some MANATEES and they came right up to the side of the boat for some pictures. We also saw a flock of ROSEATE SPOONBILLS. Very beautiful birds they are. No dolphins today, but maybe tomorrow.
Charlie says he has always enjoyed reading and learning about American History in school. This is his first time every coming to America and just loved it. Hope he can come back again someday. Okay Tom and Charlie I am waiting for some pictures, but in the meantime I have a couple I took.
Enjoy everyone
Okay, what are you waiting for, the fishing is good, and the weather is pick up that phone and call (239-695-2029) me (Capt Becky) for your next fishing experience here in the Everglades National Park/10,000 Islands
We are OIL FREE and having fun catching fish in the sun